
GNPC wins two awards

Economics Falcon GNPC GNPC has won the Majestic Falcon Award for Quality and Excellence and the Ghana Industry Leadership

Sun, 31 Dec 2017 Source:

The Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) has won two awards, confirming its leadership role in Ghana’s Petroleum Sector and beyond.

A statement issued by the GNPC and copied to the Ghana News Agency said the Majestic Falcon Award for Quality and Excellence and the Ghana Industry Leadership Award – Petroleum awards, were conferred on GNPC at two separate events in Dubai and Accra last month.

It said GNPC received its first award, an international one: The Majestic Falcon Award for Quality and Excellence, on 27 November, 2017 in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

The statement said that the award was in recognition of GNPC’s leadership in ensuring the timely completion of three key projects (Jubilee, TEN and Sankofa fields) on schedule and on budget.

It said the event was organized and conferred by OtherWays Management and Consulting International Limited.

The statement noted that on Thursday, November 30th, GNPC received The Industry Leadership Award – Petroleum, at the first Ghana Energy Awards, held in Accra, under the theme: Energy for National Development: 60years and beyond.

It said the Ghana Energy Awards aims to recognise the efforts, innovation and excellence of stalwarts within the energy sector and to celebrate the successes of the players competing under various categories of the awards.

The statement said the Ghana Energy Awards was organised by the Energy Media Group (EMG), a full-service media company based in Accra and GP Business Associates (member of the CH Global Network), a business consultancy company.

It said the Ghana Energy Awards was endorsed by the Ministry of Energy, Energy Commission, Ghana Chamber of Bulk Oil Distributors and the Association of Oil Marketing Companies.

GNPC was established in 1983 under the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) Law 1983, PNDC Law 64 and started operations in 1985.

GNPC is the anchor partner in upstream petroleum operations in Ghana, and is currently in 17 joint venture partnerships with international players over 17 oil blocks.

GNPC is the national gas aggregator.

GNPC’s strategy is to become an operator in the medium term and is currently pioneering exploration works in the onshore Voltaian Basin, the largest sedimentary basin of Ghana, covering 103,600 kilometres (approximately 40 per cent of the country’s landmass).

The current phase of GNPC’s corporate social investments (CSI) is focused in three areas: Education and Training, Economic Empowerment, Environment and Social Amenities.

The GNPC Foundation with the slogan ‘impacting lives’ is driving GNPC’s corporate social investment strategy.

Under the Education and Training pillar, the GNPC Foundation has started awarding scholarships to over 700 students entering the country’s universities to study courses in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

The Foundation is also in discussions with some universities to drive positive reforms in our educational system (STEM) to meet the growing needs of industry, provide our citizens with livelihoods and upgrade our educational standards to that of developed countries.

The Foundation is also working on setting up industry specific chairs in some selected public universities worth One million Ghana Cedis annually per university.

A school of petroleum studies is being constructed at the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT).

The Foundation is also working assiduously to complete a Science Application Laboratory at the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) in Sunyani.
