
GPHA closer to digitised cargo control in the ports


Thu, 18 Feb 2016 Source: B&FT Online

The Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) has organised a simulation exercise for port terminal managers on the proposed Terminal Operating System (TOS) -- which is a means for digitised/electronic movement of cargo within the port community.

The managers were schooled on how to input data on containers into handheld devices, which were then transmitted across all those in the container handling chain to its final destination at the port for pick-up by the importer.

The terminal operating system, which is expected to be fully operational in April, forms a key part of the GPHA’s e-port agenda that will ensure controlled carting and storage of both containerised and general goods in the port’s various terminals.

The electronic system of cargo movement is expected to aid better use of port labour and equipment, provide real-time information for cost-effective decisions and streamline port operations to meet the demands of industry players.

I.T. Manager of the GPHA David Boison indicated that the system will ensure efficiency in the movement of goods, reduce the time and cost of doing business, and more importantly eliminate the persistent issue of container theft within the port area.

He added: “TOS will facilitate the recording of accurate data on both containerised and general goods, and enhance transparency in the port as it will arrest the instances where people are bribed to locate containers”.

Mr. Boison indicated that the system is currently being tested to make doing business in the port the best, and that all challenges will be addressed before the final take-off.

Golden Jubilee Terminal Manager Esther Gyebi-Donkor said, with the TOS, vessel operations as well as the stacking and delivery of containers will be improved.

“Complaints of container thefts and other unproductive moves -- including digging deep for containers -- are all going to be a thing of the past,” she added.

The GPHA is continuously increasing machinery and equipment as part of an aggressive campaign to position the country’s ports as the ports of choice on the continent.

These innovations have led to Ghana’s two seaports being adjudged the Best Ports in the West and Central African Region at an African Ports Awards held in Abidjan in 2015.

Source: B&FT Online