GRA officials in a group photo with their Moroccan counterparts
Officers from the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority, with its Technical Partner, West Blue Consulting attended the 5th edition of the International Single Window Conference in Morocco.
The conference which was under the theme: "Virtual Single Window for foreign trade the requirement for an inclusive cooperation", took place between the 5th and 7th September, this year.
The invitation was in recognition of the success stories recorded so far in the operations of Single Window project in Ghana. Since the inception of PAARS, there has been a very significant improvement in doing business in Ghana.
The Ghana Revenue Authority, Customs Division team was led by the Deputy Commissioner, Operations, Mr. Fred Gavor.
The conference was opened by the Head of Government of Morocco, Mr. Abdelliah Benkiran where he emphasized the benefits of Single Window in Countries and what Africa gains by developing its own Single Window.
The Minister of Equipment, Transport and Logistics, Mr. Aziz Rabbah, flanked by his team and other dignitaries visited the Single Window Exhibition Stand to know about the Single Window Operations in Ghana.
"It was indeed a very interesting and appealing event as Ghana was proud to present its Single Window Case Study for other countries to take a clue on what has been achieved so far," he added.