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Ghana, EU sign 26 million Euros financing agreements

Thu, 13 Jan 2011 Source: GNA

Accra, Jan. 13, GNA - The Government of Ghana and the European Union (EU) have signed four financial agreements, totalling 26.0 million Euros to help reinforce the democratic environment for peaceful, transparent and credible elections in 2012.

Dr. Kwabena Duffour, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, and Mr Claude Maeerten, Ambassador and Head of the EU Delegation in Ghana, signed the agreements, according to a statement from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning on Thursday.

The fund made available under the four financial agreements will be used for the implementation of Trade-Related Assistance and Quality Support (TRAQUE), which will cover nine million Euros.

The TRAQUE Programme aims at facilitating and stimulating trade led pro-poor growth to improve on the National Quality Policy and Infrastructure.

That of the Civil Society in Ghana will cover eight million Euros and will be disbursed as financial contributions to increase the influence of CSOs in the governance of public goods and service delivery, as well as increase the accountability and responsiveness of government, parliament, traditional authorities and private enterprises.

It will also assist business professional associations, farmers' organizations, and trade unions, among others, in challenging unfair competition with the aim of promoting an enabling environment. The Independent Governance Institutions Programme will receive seven million Euros to be disbursed among the Electoral Commission, the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) and the National Media Commission (NMC) to enable them to discharge their duties well.

The Technical Cooperation (TCF3) was also allocated two million Euros to facilitate auditing, valuations, studies, training and conferences.

Source: GNA