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Ghana and EU signs 76 million Euro Agreement

Tue, 2 Jun 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, June 2, GNA- Ghana and the European Commission (EC) on Tuesday signed a 76 million euro financing agreement to support the rehabilitation of the 94.4 kilometre Tarkwa-Bogoso-Ayamfuri road. The funds, made available under the Transport Sector Development programme seeks to improve the road network in the timber, mineral and cocoa producing rich west of Ghana with the view of facilitating easy connection to the Takoradi Port.

The Western Region currently provides about 25 percent of national Gross Domestic Product. It will also link Burkina Faso and Cote d'Ivoire as part of the regional integration agenda.

Dr Kwabena Duffour, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning and Mr Guy Samzun, Charge d'affaires of the Delegation of the European Commission in Ghana signed the agreement. Dr Duffuor said road transport infrastructure development was priority of government and was happy that the EC continued to focus on the area for effective development.

He said government and EC must concentrate development efforts on transport connectivity and integration as one the thematic interventions. Mr Duffuor said construction of the road would properly link the Western, Brong-Ahafo and Central regions to Cote d'Ivoire through Bouake.

He urged the Ghana Highways Authority to keep to the measures announced in the agreement so that good contractors were engaged to handle the projects and complete them on time. Dr Duffuor pledged government commitment to adhere to maintenance and rigorously enforced the axle load requirements to protect the road infrastructure.

Mr Joe Gidisu, Minister of Roads and Highways said the rehabilitation would ease the drudgery of travelling on that stretch of road. He said the availability of such improved infrastructure would make investors take full advantage of opportunities in other parts of the region.

Mr Samzun said Ghana must seek maximum integration in the planning of the various transport mode projects and programmes in order to derive the maximum benefit from the transport sector. 02 June 09

Source: GNA