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Ghana's private sector is being awakened - JAK

Thu, 18 Mar 2004 Source: GNA

Accra, March 18, GNA - President John Agyekum Kufuor on Thursday said Ghana's private sector was being awakened and Ghanaian entrepreneurs were in dire need of partners for joint ventures. He said prospects for investments were in addition improving for the better daily and the congenial atmosphere for investment coupled with the peace, stability and law and order had made Ghana an ideal destination for investors.

President Kufuor made the observation when a 20-member business delegation from the Netherlands on a visit to Ghana paid a courtesy call on him at the Castle, Osu.

He said Ghana and the Netherlands had been trading partners for about 300 years and had related well and bilateral relations had been very cordial.

President Kufuor expressed appreciation to the delegation for their visit to the Takoradi harbour and their determination to assist in the development of Ghana's oldest harbour built in 1928.

He said the Government was determined to rehabilitate and modernise the Takoradi harbour but was constrained by resources, therefore, the Government was ready to partner genuine investors to restore the harbour as well as the railway system especially in the Western Region which abounded in mineral resources, timber and food crops.

Mr Arie van der Wiel, Netherlands Ambassador in Ghana, said the visit of the delegation was a follow-up to a similar visit by some businessmen and other entrepreneurs from the Netherlands to Ghana last year.

He said the delegation, most of them from Amsterdam, would sign an agreement with the Accra Metropolitan Assembly for exchange programmes between the two cities.

Mr Wiel said the delegation also visited Fort Amsterdam at Anomabu in the Central Region and said in consultation with the Ghana Museums and Monuments Board plans would be drawn to rehabilitate it.

Mr Mark van der Horst, Vice Mayor of Amsterdam and Leader of the Delegation, said it was their determination to establish relationships with their counterparts in Ghana due to the long-standing relationship between both countries.

He said in view of the great potentials of the Takoradi harbour efforts would be made to assist in its rehabilitation to bring more prospects to Ghana.

Mr Horst said some Ghanaian entrepreneurs would be invited to the Netherlands to observe the potentials available for the establishment of joint ventures. 18 March 04

Source: GNA