
Ghana to host Africa Sustainable Palm Oil Forum

Fresh Palm Fruits File photo

Tue, 29 Sep 2015 Source: GNA

Solidaridad West Africa and Proforest with the support of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), will hold a day’s forum on sustainable palm oil in Africa in Accra on Tuesday September 29 2015.

The event on the theme: “Sustainable Palm Oil in Africa: Getting it Right from the Start,” will bring together oil palm growers, civil society organisations, financial institutions, development partners, governments and key experts to share knowledge and experiences in oil palm value chain.

Solidaridad West Africa and Proforest are non-governmental organisations that support the sustainable development of farmers and production systems in West Africa, through the enhancement of value chains of fresh and processed agricultural commodities.

Africa has seen significant investments in the oil palm sector over the past decade. These include new plantation establishment, rehabilitation of abandoned and derelict plantations, investments in more efficient mills and refineries as well as innovative smallholder initiatives.

The growing oil palm sector could contribute significantly to economic development and help alleviate rural poverty. At the same time, the expanding sector could come with significant social and environmental impacts, unless adequate safeguards are put in place.

The RSPO provides an opportunity to address the social and environmental impacts of oil palm production.

The RSPO is a non-profit association that brings together palm oil producers, processors, traders, consumer goods manufacturers, retailers, banks, investors, and environmental and social non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to develop and implement a global standard for sustainable palm oil production.

Though the Roundtable is still relatively new in Africa, many growers are beginning to adopt the best practice guidelines contained in the standard.

Source: GNA