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Golden Star Invests 100,000 dollars in Road Safety

Wed, 14 Mar 2007 Source: GNA

Accra, March 14, GNA - As part of efforts to stem the high rate of accidents on the country's roads, Golden Star Limited, operators of Prestea, Bogoso and Wassa mines, has invested 100,000 dollars in the provision of various messages on bill boards to promote safe driving. The bill boards were donated following discussions with the Western Regional Coordinating Council on what the company could do to support the Golden Jubilee celebrations in the region.

The boards carried messages warning drivers of the dangers of over speeding, drunk driving and also advised on the use of condoms to avoid the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Lieutenant Colonel Amadeus Disu (RTD), Executive Director of Golden Star, told the press on Wesnesday that the company was concerned with the high spate of road accidents and was prepared to contribute its quota to the fight against the menace.

He said as a socially responsible company, it was committed to the best practices in ensuring sustainable environment and also very active in community development efforts through focus on water, health, education and the implementation of formalized community endowment fund. The company is also working to provide alternative livelihood to create other avenues for employment for the people in the communities in which the mining activities are taking place in the recognition that the mines would not last forever.

The company operates in Wassa West, Mpohor Wassa East and Wassa Amenfi districts.

Lt. Col Disu said, to further enhance its livelihood project, the company had secured 30,000-acre land for an oil palm project, which could potentially create employment for 3,000 families. Already 1,000 acre pilot area had been planted.

Other areas of support are Batik, poultry production. Lt. Col Disu said the company would continue to be alive to its corporate social responsibility to make life comfortable in the communities in which it carried out its operations.

Source: GNA