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Government, mining industry agree on joint committee

Mon, 19 May 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, May 19, GNA - The Government and the mining industry have agreed to set up a joint committee to address problems of the sector and get the best out of mining operations to improve the nation's economy. The membership would be drawn from the Ghana Chamber of Mines; the Ministries of Lands, Forestry and Mines; Finance and Economic Planning; Energy; Local Government and Rural Development and Railways; the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) and the National Security Council. It would meet within the week and come out with the terms of reference.

This followed a breakfast meeting held between President John Agyekum Kufuor and captains of the mining industry at the La Beach Hotel in Accra on Monday.

It provided the platform for a critical look at the sector, which is widely perceived as exploitative.

President Kufuor in brief opening remarks before the meeting went into a closed session, said there needed to be a paradigm shift to make the mines to be seen more as Ghanaian corporate citizens. "The spirit of relations should be that of win-win. The nation needs you and you also equally need the nation." The sector, he noted, was vital to the economy and should serve as a dependable partner.

Speaking to Journalists after the meeting, Mr Andrew Awuni, Press Secretary to the President, said the initiative was to deepen public involvement in the mining sector.

This way, the many perceptions of the mining companies as exploitative agencies could be erased. Ms Joyce Aryee, Executive Secretary of the Chamber, dismissed views that the mines had not been beneficial to the economy. She was confident that the Committee would help to manage the expectations of the society. Mr Eijgendaa Jurgenl, President of the Chamber, said the meeting went on well and they were ready for improvements.

Source: GNA