Some traders in Nsawam Adoagyiri
About 260 traders in Nsawam Adoagyiri and its environs have pledged to invest their monies in reputable institutions in the municipality.
Such investments they said would be used to establish businesses to boost the local economy.
Mr Gilbert Amoah, government appointee and also the chairman for the Nsawam Lorry Station Traders Association in an interview with the Ghana News Agency after the inauguration of the Association at Nsawam mentioned soap making, bread baking, pineapple farming among others as areas that the Association would be investing in.
Mr Amoah said the Association formed would help more youth in the municipality to secure employment to be entrepreneurs.
He said a seven-member committee headed by him was elected during the inauguration and appealed to Star Ghana and other non-governmental organisations and other business entrepreneurs to come to their aid.
Mr Frank Annoh Dompreh, the Member of Parliament for the Nsawam Adoagyiri Constituency who chaired the function commended the Association and said the government was working to rehabilitate the ASTEK factory.