
Here are the 14 essential services in Ghana

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Mon, 24 Jul 2023 Source:

When we say something is essential, it means that it is of extreme importance. In this same light, essential services are some occupations that play a vital role in society and the country at large.

These essential services, recognized by law can be found in the Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651).

This Labour Act, 2003 (Act 651) regulates employment, trade unions, industrial relations and labour issues in Ghana.

The jobs listed as essential service providers, per the law, cannot embark on an industrial strike as any action taken by them will pose a danger to public health and safety.

It may even, to the extreme, lead to the loss of lives.

GhanaWeb Business in this lists the 14 essential services spelt out in the Labur Act 2003 (Act 651)

- Bank of Ghana

- Water supply

- Electricity generation

- Transmission and distribution services

- Health and hospital services

- Sanitary services

- Air traffic control services

- Meteorological services

- Fire services

- Air transport services

- Supply and distribution of fuel, petrol, power and light

- Telecommunication services

- Public transport services

- Ports and Harbour security services


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