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IMF not “dictating” to Ghana – Terkper

IMF Bailout Terkper

Sat, 14 Mar 2015 Source:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is not forcing policies down the throat of the Ghana government, according to Finance Minister Seth Terkper.

The Trades Union Congress and the main opposition New Patriotic Party have hit hard at the Mahama-led administration for kowtowing to the demands of the Bretton Woods institution, a development they fear could lead to job cuts and difficult times ahead.

However, the Minister of Finance has rubbished the claims, saying the government is not being dictated to by the IMF.

According to him, many policies in the 2015 budget are policies under-pining the policy by the IMF.

Speaking at a news conference in Accra, Terkper noted that the government does not need the IMF to tell it to review the budget when the prices of crude fall.

He has assured that despite the current economic challenges confronting the country the medium term prospects remain bright.

He said government will continue to work diligently to ensure that the positive prospects as well as macroeconomic stability and socio-economic objectives are not derailed by external and domestic shocks.
