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Internet Solutions celebrate Customer Service Week

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Tue, 8 Oct 2019 Source:

Internet Solutions has marked its Customer Service Week to appreciate their clients for patronizing their services.

The Internet services providers have also rolled out measures that will improve service delivery in a bid to offer customers value for money.

Customer Service Week is celebrated annually during the first full week in October to emphasis on the importance of customer service and of the people who serve and support customers on a daily basis.

In an interview with the Business Relations Manager of Internet Solutions, Christel Derban, she mentioned Internet Solutions' core value is to ensure that their clients are at the center of their business; adding that plans are being carried to reward customers in various forms.

“For internal clients, we are saying that, they should keep up the good work and let’s put the client at the center. For external clients, we will do our best to continue doing business with them and to show appreciation and to work hard to make sure that we provide them with very good service,” she stated.

Internet Solutions (IS) seeks to remind clients of their commitment to customer satisfaction.

Since the establishment of Internet Solutions, they have been providing innovative end-to-end telco solutions and related services to Ghanaians for more than 20 years.

Internet Solutions marked the celebration by cutting a cake to celebrate their internal workforce for their immense contributions to service delivery.
