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KNUST signs MOU with HFC Bank

Mon, 14 Sep 2009 Source: GNA

Kumasi Sept. 14, GNA - The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the HFC Bank for the construction of an ultra-modern four-storey shopping mall at the commercial area of the University. The project, estimated to cost GH¢6.5 million would have facilities for a bank, restaurant, shops, offices, Information Communication Technology Centre, printing shop, conference rooms, super market, movie theatre and corporate offices.

Work on the project is scheduled to start in October, and completed in 24 months.

Professor Kwasi Kwafo Adarkwah, Vice Chancellor of KNUST, who signed the agreement on behalf of the University, commended the bank for its long standing working relationship with institutions of the academic facility, especially the College of Art and Social Sciences (CASS) and the Publishing Studies Department.

He said the strategic location of KNUST put tremendous pressure on its infrastructure hence the need for more development projects. The University originally designed for students and staff population of 3,000, now serves more than 30,000 people.

The Vice Chancellor asked the bank to ensure that the mall is environmentally and disability friendly. Prof. Adarkwah praised Mr Ralph Nyadu-Addo, Industrial and Professional Relations Officer of CASS for making the project possible. Mr Charles Ofori-Acquah, General Manager, Business Development, HFC Bank, who initialled the agreement, pledged to sustain the bank's collaboration with KNUST.

Allah bestows special blessings in the last 10 Days of Ramadan Accra, Sept. 14, GNA - The Ramadan entered its closing stages on Friday 12 September 2009, "Laylatul Kadir" a period Muslims devote to regular prayers from midnight up to the time of the beginning of the fast at dawn.

Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said: "The first 10 days (of Ramadan) are for Mercy (Rahmet); the second 10 (days) are for Forgiveness (Maghfirat) and the last 10 (days) are for Safety (Nejat)." We must make intention, in this month, and especially in the last 10 days, to sit somewhere quietly for the sake of Allah and to remember Him. If you are making that intention, Allah will make it easy for you. Laylatul Kadir is the night of Revelation - one of the odd numbered nights of the last days of the month of Ramadan (the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th when the Koran was sent down to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) - to earn a very blessed night.

At most of the Mosques visited by the Ghana News Agency, there has been an overflow of crowds made up of the aged, men, women and children offering prayers after the break of fast and during the period of Laylatul Kadir that begins from after midnight up to the time of dawn prayers (Fajir).

It is said that "those people who keep the order of Allah with fasting, they should be happy. And those who left the fasting should be very sad. The world has taken everyone hostage. This month should be purifying us - it is not for us just to abstain from eating and drinking."

There is one night in the holy month of Ramadan, Laylatul Kadir, which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is ordering us to look out to find that night in the last 10 days of Ramadan. This is to show us that we show more care and more discipline to our fasting. It's not because we are coming to an end we should start becoming sloppy. But to be more disciplined during the final days of the Ramadan."

In the olden days the fast was broken in the mosque. They ate iftar in the masjids. They sat at one corner of the masjid and prayed and meditated on bounties Allah (swt) had bestowed to humanity. Indeed some Muslims still do this.

The last 10 days of devoted prayers began throughout Ghana at various Mosques with massive attendance of devoted believers, who converged after midnight for congressional prayers deep into the night up to dawn seeking for Allah's mercies, forgiveness of sins, good health, prosperity and devotion to one's belief.

Sheikh Abdur-Rahim Ibrahim, Lecturer at the Department of Modern Languages, University of Ghana, in discussions of the significance of the last 10 days with the Ghana News Agency on Friday said "Allah (swt) has granted us this life and the Faith. And He has ordered us to protect this Faith that He has given us. And He has shown us, sending us also what we have to do [to] protect our Faith.

"How we [are] going to keep our faith in this world clean and pure, and to go from here to Heaven clean and pure with that Faith. And what will happen if we don't keep that Faith. He is sending Messengers and Books to tell us what is going to happen."

Sheikh Ibrahim entreated followers of Islam to use the Ramadan period to ensure total obedience to the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and to preach forgiveness and fellow-feelings among the people.

He said Alhamdulillah, according to the teachings of Islam one of the principles of Islam is fasting. First is the testimony of the Faith. Second is the prayer. Third is the fasting. "This month of Ramadan, we entered almost 20 days ago. We are coming to the end. Those people, who keep the order of Allah and they are fasting, they should be happy. And those people who left the fasting, they should be very sad because they had once again they had losta golden opportunity to benefit from Allah's gifts.

Sheik Ibrahim said: "In dunya, those who [are] not fasting should not expect to find cure for their sicknesses. No doctor is going to find a cure. If they find a cure for one sickness another sickness is going to come because Allah (swt) forbids us (from) eating and drinking during the month of Ramadan. Muslims should also refrain from all kinds the pleasure activities during this time. If a man is disobedient to Allah, he should not be waiting [for] something ahead in front of him that [he] is going to get a cure, no. But even if he is good, he is going to get sick."

Preaching at the Jummah Khutba (Friday's prayers) at the Ministries in Accra last Friday, Mallam Ayuba advised all Muslims to strictly observe the days of Laylatul Kadir with devoted prayers so that Allah would grant their wishes here and hereafter. He also urged workers to sacrifice their time to doing good deeds; giving alms and contributing towards the socio-economic development of the country to ensure their wellbeing.

Quoting from the Scriptures he said: "Those who [are] keeping the order of Allah (swt), they should be happy. Holy Prophet (sws) is ordering - there [are] two rewards for them - one when they [are] breaking the fast and second when they're entering Paradise. Allah (swt) [is] saying the reward of the fasting, nobody knows. 'I didn't let anybody to know. It's in My presence'."

He said the Scripture teaches that the world had taken both believers and non-believers hostage so Muslims should devote the last 10 days to meditate. They must find time to recite portions of the Scripture and not do the normal running around which would make them to attract negative things to themselves.

Malam Ayuba said the month of Ramadan should be seen as a period of purification adding that Muslims must find time to be with Allah (swt), adding; "so we must make the fasting that we fast, physically; we must force ourselves to gain the spiritual blessing that come with it." He said one cannot gain the full spiritual benefits if one went about doing the normal things.

He said: "We must prepare ourselves for the hereafter. All this work that we are doing - it is to prepare ourselves." Chief Inspector Sheikh Abdur-Rahim Hussein in a Friday sermon at Libya Quarters, Madina Zongo to usher in the Laylatul Kadir said 'it is gratifying that with the beginning of Ramadan most Muslim men and women have nowadays begun going to the Mosques in their numbers as if drawn by force' and urged them to continue worshipping together in the Mosques even after the Ramadan to benefit from the rewards of the fast and virtues of the religion.

Chief Inspector Hussein said Ramadan should be used as a period of purification by all Muslims adding, "We must look. We must make intention, at least these last 10 days. In the afternoon find time to sit somewhere and meditate."

Sheikh Hussai Idris Molah, an Islamic Scholar at Libya Quarters, commenting on the virtues of Laylatul Kadir told Ghana News Agency that it was necessary for the Muslim brethren to seek for forgiveness during this period and to continue to do good for their fellow Muslims and neighbours so as to benefit from the Mercies and forgiveness of Allah (swt). He enjoined all Muslims to use the Ramadan month to make sacrifices; lead decent lives; abhor wickedness; self-destruction; selfishness, greed and the get-rich-quick attitude, especially among the youth; so as for them to benefit from the toils and denials during the fasting period. They should spend their time in devotion and prayers and Insha Asha Allah all their wishes and good intentions would receive the blessings of Allah Rasulilaah through his Messenger Mohammed (PBUH).

Source: GNA