
MIIF eyes industrial salt as a strategic mineral

MIIF has declared Salt as a priority mineral in Ghana

Thu, 2 Mar 2023 Source:

The Minerals Income and Investment Fund (MIIF) has revealed plans to support development of the Salt industry in Ghana, with the Ada Songhor Lagoon as its utmost priority.

This followed a working tour by the Board and Management of MIIF and officials of the Ghana Stock Exchange. The Ada salt pans on the Songhor Lagoon have potential to be the largest salt-producing area in sub-Saharan Africa.

The CEO of MIIF, Edward Nana Yaw Koranteng, revealed to reporters that: “MIIF is far advanced with plans to invest in the Ada Songhor salt project toward developing it to be the largest in sub-Saharan Africa. Ultimately, this investment seeks to ensure that Ghana benefits from the many uses of Salt; especially as a core input to support the industrialisation agenda of Ghana’s government”.

The Ada Songhor pans sit on some 41,000 acres straddling at least 33 Ada communities, and is larger in acreage than Walvis Bay of Namibia – which is about 16,700 acres and the largest Salt-producing area in sub-Saharan Africa. Electrochem Ghana Limited is the Ghanaian company developing the Ada Songhor salt pans.

MIIF has declared Salt as a priority mineral in Ghana, in line with its investment strategy of generating downstream to upstream value from every single mineral. According to Professor Douglas Boateng, Board Chairman of MIIF: “The Fund is targetting investments across producing areas in the Greater Accra and Central Regions of Ghana”.

Mr. Koranteng further stressed that: “Salt is an infinite resource with over 14,000 uses. At full potential and with such expansive usage, Salt in Ghana has the potential to earn circa US$500million a year in foreign exchange – with Nigeria and the sub-region as priority markets. Salt as a raw material covers the pharmaceuticals, food processing, oil and gas, food preservation, production of caustic soda, the textiles industry, mining, road maintenance, hospitals and hospitality sectors – which all require high-grade salt to support the manufacturing of inputs or processing.

“This is the reason MIIF is excited about this opportunity for Ghana and is currently working on a broad-based investment that will include a listing of the project on the Ghana Stock Exchange.” The scale of the Ada Songhor salt project also presents opportunities for two export jetties to facilitate export and other lagoon transport opportunities; create massive employment in the producing areas; and substantially revitalise the local economies.

In accordance with MIIF’s investment strategy to ensure that all major investments are listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange, Mr. Yaw Koranteng confirmed that Electrochem has agreed to list on the Ghana Stock Exchange as a condition to MIIF’s investment.

Mr. Koranteng stated: “Investing in Salt is part of our mineral diversification strategy, in line with President Nana Akufo-Addo charging the MIIF with ensuring that we create Ghanaian business champions – while at the same time creating opportunities along the value chain and on the capital markets for Ghanaians to directly have a chance to invest in such companies”.

The Managing Director of Ghana Stock Exchange, Ms. Abena Amoah – who is also a member of the Investment Advisory Committee (IAC) of MIIF said: “What I have come to see here really warms my heart. A great company is underpinned by the quality of its assets. We can become Africa’s number-one Salt producer: the sea never dries, the technology exists to mine the Salt and a market for it is not in doubt. And so, with some ring-fencing and great risk management, the investment in Electrochem and its listing on the Ghana Stock Exchange will be a win-win for all Ghanaians.”
