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MTN organizes proposal writing workshop in Koforidua

Fri, 17 Apr 2009 Source: GNA

Koforidua, April 17, GNA - About 150 participants on Thursday attended a day's proposal writing workshop organized by MTN Ghana in Koforidua.

Mr Appeadu Malcolm, MTN Ghana Foundation Coordinator Corporate Services Division, who was the resource person, told the participants that proposals to be submitted should contain the project title, date of submission, address and contact numbers of the promoters. He said there should also be a clear and concise summary of the project and the basic idea of the project should be expressed; the philosophy or premise underlying the project should also be explained. "General statements specifying the project's desired outcomes should be outlined".

Mr Malcolm said the approach or method to be used in the proposed activity should be well described.

He said in order to have an all-encompassing and beneficial implementation, projects had be classified into large-$250,000 and above, medium $50,000 to $249,000, small $10,000 to $49,000 and micro less than $10,000.

Mr Robert Kuzoe, Senior Manager, MTN Ghana Foundation, urged the participants to put into practice what they had learnt to enhance their proposal writing.

He announced that the MTN group would be celebrating this year's "21 Days of Y'ello care" which, is aimed at encouraging MTN staff to volunteer their services in supporting community upliftment activities in June.

Mr Kuzoe said last year's event was used to embark on school painting activities and a health walk in three zones across the country.

Source: GNA