
Nurevas on Food Safety in Ghana

Sat, 17 Mar 2012 Source: Guido Shaer

it’s easier to monitor local manufacturers

*Food Safety is a growing concern for many Ghanaian consumers. However regulations and shopping habits in other countries suggest that consumers from Europe and other developed countries are much more informed regarding the nutritional values and the quality aspects of the food they eat. You only have to go to the UK to witness the traffic light food labelling system, where food items are judged according to nutritional values or fat content.

European consumers have also been able to demand that food-processing companies back up their declarations and claims. These same consumers also expect food manufacturers to use only quality raw materials and produce in a clean environment to ensure the safety of the processed food we eat every day.

In order to emulate these consumer expectations of quality, Ghanaian authorities need to develop a combination of strict food legislation as well as increase their ability to monitor and enforce regulations.

For instance, at present in Ghana, the control of imported products is largely limited to the end product itself and not to the processes that created the finished product - in essence, Ghanaian authorities are limited in their ability to audit or monitor any foreign-based producer.

With the increase in foreign investments into Ghana, especially within manufacturing, the regulators will be in an increasingly stronger position to monitor local companies supplying food to Ghanaian consumers.

As an example, a new food-processing company, Nurevas, is starting food processing in Accra offering products manufactured locally to the highest European standards by using state of the art equipment and allowing full traceability of its raw materials.

The company's presence on the Spintex Road at the Coca Cola roundabout in Ghana therefore makes it easier for the local authorities to scrutinise their operations in greater detail than for externally based food manufacturers.

This trend towards import substitution (buying more locally produced goods) of food products not only enhances food safety but provides a basis for job creation and helps to reduce the external deficit.

*Credit: Guido Shaer, Managing Partner, NUREVAS Ghana.*

Source: Guido Shaer