
NBSSI denies applicant fees charging claims

Kosi Yankey Ayeh NBSSI Executive Director122.jpeg Executive Director of NBSSI, Kosi Yankey-Ayeh

Tue, 8 Sep 2020 Source:

The National Board for Small Scale Industries has denied reports suggesting it is charging fees to process government’s Coronavirus Alleviation Programme Business Support Scheme (CAP BuSS).

Government set aside some 600 million cedis as part of its Coronavirus Alleviation Programme to help businesses navigate the challenge of the pandemic which had forced widespread lockdowns with economies suffering.

With disbursements ongoing, some individual and groups have resorted to charging fees from applicants before allowing them access the state funds.

But According to the NBSSI, they have not charged anyone to collect fees on their behalf adding no fees are charged for the funds. In a statement, the board denied contracting the Ghana National Council of Private Schools (GNACOPS) to charge processing fees.

Below is the statement from the NBSSI

The attention of the National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) has been drawn to media reports and queries by some applicants that some trade and business associations are requesting for fees from members on the Coronavirus Alleviation Programme Business Support Scheme (CAP BuSS). The Ghana National Council of Private Schools (GNACOPS), for example, is alleged to be demanding a 4 per cent PROCESSING FEE from its members, out of which they have stated to their members that 3 per cent is allegedly for the NBSSI.

The NBSSI wants to state emphatically that we are NOT ASKING / HAVE NOT CONTRACTED ANY ASSOCIATION TO CHARGE applicants. NBSSI has NOT ENGAGED any group, association or individual to discuss, collect or facilitate the collection of any charges on its behalf. Specifically, the Board has engaged GNACOPS on a number of issues and even queried them about the 4 per cent charges. We maintain that the charge on GNACOPS members is wrong and unacceptable.

The general public is hereby requested to disregard any claims by GNACOPS that the Board is demanding an EXTRA 3% FEES in respect of the loans being granted under the CAP BuSS from their members.

Applicants are therefore cautioned against the payment of fees or charges to any intermediary, be it an association, group or individual. We encourage applicants to direct all concerns and questions to the NBSSI Public Relations Unit. The Public is also encouraged to report any person engaged in this act to the nearest police station.

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