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Of Great Expectancy & Ex-Prez's Refusal To Attend Inauguration

Mon, 10 Jan 2005 Source: Gyan, Richard

Having successfully conducted four elections under the fourth republican constitution with the recent one being touted by observers as having been generally free and fair,Ghanaians have no doubt made it clear to the world that,we have indeed embraced the ideals of democracy.

It is this writer's feverish hope and prayer that,in the not too distant future,the other African countries that have not embraced this system of governance will do so and emulate Ghana's shinning example so that,media organisations like the BBC,whose main stock in trade has to do with televising wars,droughts et al about Africa as if nothing good happens on that continent will have no business being in Africa.!!

Isn't it a shame that,they could send reporters to the Dafur region but failed to send any to report on the elections in Ghana.?I firmly believe in the school of thought that suggests that,the BBC has a hidden agenda against the African continent.

Well,with both the president and his veep sworn in for their second term of office amidst pomp and pageantry,Ghanaians have once again entrusted the running of the country for the next four years into the hands of the NPP government.I always knew for sure that,president Kuffour getting a second term in office was never going to be in doubt because,that was the best way the good people of Ghana could assess his stewardship upon his ascension to the highest office of presidency.

Within the past four years,we have all been witnesses to the massive improvements made in the government's five priority areas notably amongst them,ICT and Infrastructural developments.I am pretty much sure that,after this government has seen through it's second four year term,we will see a huge improvement in all facets of our life and even,those in opposition will criticise but will know as a matter of fact that,a good job has been done.

In another development,i was very much saddened to have read from Joyfm's website that,the only surviving ex-president of the republic of Ghana,Jerry John Rawlings,turned down an invitation by the state(not NPP) to attend the swearing in ceremony of his successor.He has by his action shown clearly that,he harbors some bitterness about the sitting president.

According to his aide,Victor Smith,the ex-prez was turning down the invitation because of what " he perceives as the fraudulent manner the December 7 election was organised".

He went on further to say that,"many things transpired during the elections which were not healthy for the country's democracy,stressing,"there was electoral fraud,cheating and a lot of things were doctored".

For an ex-president to make this infantile,unfounded and baseless comment tells me he still hasn't come to terms with the fact that,Ghanaians have nothing to do with the NDC and that the NPP was their preferred choice capable of taking them where they belong.He is just an apology of an ex-president and i sometimes wonder if he has advisor's at all.If he does,then those people should be ashamed of themselves,because,in this day and age where everybody is sounding conciliatory,it is sad and it beggars belief that somebody of Rawlings' standing should make comments that only goes to incite people into believing that,the election results were fraudulent.

Can't he for once shut his mouth and kowtow to the collective will of the good people of Ghana.?After all,we are discerning people capable of making informed choices.!!!!!!!!

His aide Victor Smith also alleges that,the EC chairman,the indefatigable Dr Kwadwo Afari-Djan,was coerced into announcing the results when in other parts of the country,some electoral results had not been collated.Common sense should have told him that,even if Atta Mills got all the votes in those areas,(highly impossible)it still wouldn't have forced the elections into the second round they were craving for.

As all Ghanaians expect the government to deliver it's electoral promises and steering the affairs of this great country of ours into acceptable heights,may we all wake up from our slumber by showing great commitment to hard work in our respective fields of endeavour so that,we can together make mother Ghana prosperous and a safe haven for all.

God bless us all.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Gyan, Richard