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NYUPED charges government to set up Shea Nut and Cotton board

Shea Nut Collectors Northern Youth for Peace and Development Association urged government to support farmers

Sun, 9 Apr 2017 Source:

A civil society group calling itself the Northern Youth for Peace and Development Association, NYUPED has repeated calls for government to as a matter of urgency set up a development board to cater for Shea nut and Cotton production.

The group noted with concern that the absence of a separate board to effectively manage the two non-timber forest products had greatly hampered the growth of the sector.

It said if pragmatic steps are not taken to boost the sector, it will continue to lose its economic and high international market values and demand.

The Executive Director of the NYUPED, Prince Hardi Adams made the call in Bolgatanga at the launch of the 2017 edition of the National Achievers Awards slated to take place in the Upper East Region.

Mr. Hardi Adams further appealed that in setting up the proposed board, government should also consider applying similar pricing methods of Cocoa to the Shea and cotton.

Adherence, he noted will ward off buyers and middle men from determining prices that suits them.

This will also ensure a significant increase in the production of the commodities which will otherwise increase the income levels of farmers.

Over the years, individuals and groups, particularly indigenes from the Northern Savannah Areas have been advocating for the establishment of a Shea nut development board to set realistic prices for the product and to enhance the survival of the sector.

In 2011, government under the leadership of late President John Evans Atta Mills promised to set up a Shea nut development board due to its export value.

This vision has since not materialised despite repeated calls for government to channel it resources to revamping the sector.

According to Mr. Hardi Adams the onus now falls on the present government to expedite action by buying into the proposal.

He lamented that most women engaged in the picking of Shea Nut are beginning to lose interest in the business due to lack of financial support and ready market.

Meanwhile, this year’s edition of the NYUPED National Achievers Awards will honour 24 eminent and high profile personalities who have been carefully selected by the governing body and approved by the Youth Delegates Congress of the event.

Those earmarked for awards include President Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo, Ambassador Ademola Oleseyi Onafowokwan, Nigeria High Commissioner to Ghana, Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin, Overlord of the Akyem Abuakwa State and the Chief Executive Officer of the Dangote Group of Companies, Alhaji Aliko Dangote.

Others are the Paramount Chief of the Sakote Traditional Area, Nana Sigri Bewong, the Paramount Chief of the Bongo Traditional Area, Naba Salifu Alemyaruum, the Upper East Regional Minister, Rockson Bukari, Minister of Interior, Ambrose Dery and the Managing Director of Metro Mass Transport, Al-Hassan Libi among a host of other distinguished personalities.
