Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, Communications Minister
Government is to establish a cybersecurity incident monitoring and response system to detect in real-time incidents that could undermine the country’s cyber-ecosystem, the new cybersecurity law has revealed.
The recently passed cybersecurity law requires that a Cyber Security Authority is established with the objective of regulating cybersecurity activities in the country, prevent, manage and respond to cybersecurity threats.
The Authority is also required to manage the Cyber Security Fund, as well as ensure the proper and effective performance of the functions of the Authority.
Monies from the Fund are required to be applied to relevant activities that the board may determine including research and development in cybersecurity and support of domestic, regional and international capacity building exercises in cybersecurity.
Despite the huge benefits derived from the use of the internet, there has been a surge in the number of cybersecurity incidents in the country including ransomware, cyber theft, banking fraud, cyber espionage and other cyber-attacks targeted at critical information infrastructure.
The new law mandates the Authority to conduct periodically, cybersecurity awareness programmes involving government representatives and private sector stakeholders in order to promote public awareness and education on cybersecurity in public and private sectors.
A research and development programme to promote the development of cybersecurity in the country is expected to be spearheaded by the Authority.
Additionally, a Sectoral Computer Emergency Response Team is required to submit to the Authority, a monthly report covering the operations of the sectoral computer emergency response team are complied with, the bill captured.
These cybersecurity incidents have permeated critical sectors of the country including the energy, telecommunications, banking and financial sectors and have caused disruptions in essential services that have the potential to undermine the security and economy of the country.
A successful economy is hinged on a secured, safe and resilient national digital ecosystem. Cybersecurity is therefore very critical to the economic development of the country and essential to the protection of the rights of individuals within the national digital ecosystem.