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Nigerians expresses interest in investing in Ghana

Fri, 25 Aug 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 25, GNA- An eight-member delegation from Nigeria has expressed interest in investing in Ghana due to the solid economic and infrastructure base of the country.

The group was in Accra to hold a five-day workshop on conflict resolution, dispute management and effective communication skills in labour issues.

The Leader of the delegation, Chief Aloysius Ifeanyi Obi, a Senior and Managing partner of Chify Consult Limited of Nigeria, said he was impressed about the level of development and the air of freedom and a feeling of safety as they moved about. He said these conditions showed that Ghana was a safe haven for West African Investors to invest.

The delegation paid a familiarisation visit to the Ghana News Agency (GNA), Centre for National Culture (CNC) and the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum, all in Accra.

At GNA, Mr Boakye-Dankwa Boadi, Chief Editor, Home Desk, told the delegation that the Agency was established on the eve of Ghana's Independence on March 5 1957 by the First President Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah to report on the independence of the country. He said GNA was established to facilitate the total liberation of Africa; promote the African Personality; engender national cohesion and overall national development.

Mr Boadi said the GNA had 65 subscribers made up of radio and television stations, newspapers, private organisations, foreign missions in the country, Internet subscribers and individuals. He said about 95 per cent of the news heard on the various FM stations originated from the GNA. At the CNC the delegation expressed delight at the quality of the cultural artefacts on sale and took the opportunity to buy some souvenirs.

At the Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum, Chief Ifeanyi Obi said, "Dr Nkrumah was a great leader and a visionary," adding that Ghana was first when it came to the preservation of culture and history. The delegation would leave for Lagos on Saturday.

Source: GNA