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PBC honours cocoa farmers and workers

Wed, 8 Oct 2003 Source: GNA

Bekwai (Ash), Oct 8, GNA- The Produce Buying Company (PBC) on Wednesday honoured 72 cocoa farmers who sell their produce to the company and 17 commission-marketing clerks in the Ashanti Region for their dedication to duty for the 2002/2003 cocoa season. Mrs Janet Adomako, the Atwima District best farmer, emerged the best Ashanti Regional farmer and received a 20-inch colour television set, a spraying machine, two pairs of Wellington boots, four cutlasses and 12 tins of insecticides.

Mr James Ofosu, the Amansie East District best farmer, took the second regional best farmer and had a two-burner gas cooker and cylinder, a spraying machine, a pair of Wellington boots, six tins of insecticides, two cutlasses and half piece of wax print.

Mr Kofi Atuahene, the Offinso District best farmer, won the third position and received a gas cooker and cylinder, a spraying machine, a pair of Wellington boots, two cutlasses and half piece of wax print. The best worker award went to Mr Collins Owusu, a marketing clerk at Asuhyiae in the Ahafo-Ano North district and received a bicycle, a set of cooking utensils and half piece of wax print.

Mr Sampson Kwaku Boafo, Ashanti Regional Minister said the government has been able to reverse the downward trend of cocoa production culminating in Ghana climbing to the second spot on the world market.

He attributed this to the prudent measures adopted by the government that include the mass cocoa spraying exercise, the introduction of high-tech fertilizer application and the payment of realistic producer prices and bonus to farmers. Mr E. Owusu Boakye, the Managing Director of PBC, said the award ceremony has become an integral part of the company's calendar.

Source: GNA