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Petition By Anlo Youth Council

Thu, 16 Oct 2008 Source: Mayor AGBLEZE

To The Attorney General And Minister Of Justice

Our attention has been drawn to a publication in the Daily Graphic of Friday, 10th October 2008 indicating that an Accra Fast Track High Court has vacated its earlier order of an injunction obtained in November 2007 by your Office restraining Anlo from the installation of anyone as Awoamefia of Anlo. We of the Anlo Youth Council wish to petition the Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Justice to take another look at this development and ensure equity prevails in the dispensation of justice.

We find the publication in the Daily Graphic of the vacation of the earlier court injunction granted by an Accra Fast Track High Court, disheartening to say the very least. By the vacation of the injunction, as published, the impression is created that, an Awoamefia has been installed for the people of Anlo. This impression, totally and absolutely false as it is, we believe, is a recipe for another mayhem in Anlo as caused a year ago by the Ghana Police Service in November 2007.

If we accept the logic contained in the affidavit cited in the said publication, that, indeed an Awoamefia was duly installed before the injunction, then what is the need for the court order to set aside the injunction order which was sought by no less a person than your good and learned self, the Attorney General of the Republic.

It is our firm belief that the said Albert Sadika has misrepresented himself to the Accra Fast Track High Court. We believe Albert Sadika has committed perjury in his deposition to the affidavit in support of the motion to vacate the injunction as the Stool Father of the Awoamezi.

The said Albert Sadika, the deponent is not the Stool Father of the Awoamezi. The current Stool Father is EGLE AGBOADA who is in possession of the Awoamezi. Again, several questions arise from the said vacation order.

• Was the AG served with a notice of the application to vacate the order? And if so was the AG not aware of earlier cases pending (subjudice) before the Volta Regional House of Chiefs?

• Did the AG file any affidavit in opposition or informed Anlo, as legitimate and equity interested parties?

• Does the law of equity not demand that interested parties concerned in the Anlo Chieftaincy crisis be served with notice of any application for the vacation of an order made in the public interest to save life and property in Anlo, ensure National cohesion and security and affirm the role of the Ministry of Justice under the Constitution?

• Additionally, has the AG who in November 2007 last year, found it expedient and prudent to obtain an injuction order to forestall mayhem in Anlo, satisfied his own good and learned self that indeed Anlo have with due process installed an Awoamefia as being claimed in the affidavit?

• Being aware of the mayhem that was unleashed, by the Ghana Police Service almost a year ago leading to loss of lives and property in Anlo, could the Court not have impressed upon the Applicant to serve all interested parties to the suit including the AG with his application before last Friday’s ruling?

The Anlo Youth Council finds it quite distasteful, mischievous and an insult to all that we hold to be true and dear - that all life is sacred and that an unalloyed truth is the only thing worthy of respect; and that such a vacation of a court order was done without recourse to all parties as required by equity.

We are too aware of the implications of the publication of the vacation of the court order to sit down hoping things will work out well. We therefore call on you to take immediate step to restore the order vacated.

Anlo Youth Council is appealing to all persons, private and public, to give Anlo the peace and tranquility required in this month of nugbidodo (peace and reconciliation) to befittingly remember our Martyrs of November 1, 2007. Respectfully, we pray you Sir.


President (024 458 4835) Ag. Secretary (024 438 1673)



The Chief Justice The Minister of Interior The Inspector General of Police All Political Parties

Source: Mayor AGBLEZE