
Protect interest of consumers – Akufo-Addo to PURC Board

Akufo Addo Addressing The Gathering President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Tue, 28 Nov 2017 Source:

President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addicted Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has charged the newly outdoored Board of Public Utility Regulatory Commission to endeavor to work hard and protect the interest of the consumers.

He also wants the Board to be strict at all times that sanctions are applied where applicable to any utility service provider that fails to meet the required standards of performance.

At an event to outdoor the nine-member governing Board after swearing the oath of secrecy in Accra, Monday, President Akufo-Addo, further tasked the group to elevate the work of the PURC beyond the review of utility tariffs and to concentrate on the delivery of quality service as well as the protection of the interest of the Ghanaian people.

Interest of consumers and investors

The Chairman of the governing board of the PURC, Michael Opam in his response to the President assured that the Board accepts the challenge to lead the regulation of utilities sector of the country.

He added that he and his colleagues will uphold the key pillar of the Commission which is to balance the interest of consumers and investors in the electricity, natural gas and water sectors.

PURC Governing Board Members

The Chairman of the governing board is Michael Opam, Representative of the Trade Unions Congress on the board is, Daniel Owusu- Koranteng, the Association of Ghana Industries is represented by, Dr. Yaw Adu Gyamfi, representative of the Consumer Protection Agency, Ebo B. Quagraine.

The others are four nominees of the President and they are Prof. Joe Amoako Tuffour, Ismael Edjekumhene, Emmanuel Sekor and Madam Dora Oppong.


The Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) was set up as a multi- sectorial regulator by Government of Ghana in October, 1997 under the Public Utilities Regulatory Act, 1997 (Act 538) as part of the utility sector reform process to regulate the provision of utility services in the electricity and water sectors. By virtue of the Energy Commission Act, 1997 (Act 541) PURC also has regulatory responsibility over charges for supply, transportation and distribution of natural gas services.

Under Section 4 of Act 538, PURC is an independent body and is not subject to the control of any authority in the performance of its functions. The Office of the President exercises administrative oversight for the Commission. The Mission of the commision is to build a credible and sustainable utility regulatory regime that protects the Stakeholders’ interest. It also has as its vision to be a model Utility regulatory institution in Africa

Regulated Companies

Entities currently regulated by the PURC are the Volta River Authority (VRA), Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCo) a subsidiary company of VRA, the Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCo), the Electricity Company of Ghana Ltd (ECG), as well as Ghana Water Company Ltd. (GWCL).

The Commission also regulates natural gas pipeline transmission tariff and aggregated gas prices processed by the Aggregator, which is the Ghana National Gas Company (GNGC). Fr Bui Power Authority (BPA), the Commission is authorized to set the Bulk Generation Tariff (BGT) and also review its pricing component of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with ECG and NEDCo.
