
Re-engineer Akosombo to recycle water - Anokye

Akosombo D Akosombo Dam can be rechanneled into the turbines by the installation of pumps

Mon, 10 Apr 2017 Source:

Water shortage at the Akosombo Dam, which leads to low power generation resulting in load shedding, can be ended if government invests in redesigning the Akosombo Dam to recycle the water collected, CEO of Koans Building Solutions, Kofi Anokye, has proposed.

He explained that used water at the Akosombo Dam can be rechanneled into the turbines by the installation of pumps which will ensure the water does not go waste.

The engineer has, therefore, proposed the installation of a system that will “pump water from the lower end of the dam to the upper end of the dam”.

According to their estimation a “maximum of 15 to 20 per cent of the power generated will be used by these pumps” but will ensure adequate water for generation of year-round power.

Mr Anokye, who was guest on Class FM’s Executive Breakfast Show on Monday, April 10, told host Moro Awudu: “The freshwater going into the sea must be recycled.”

He explained that during the rainy season during which abundant water is collected “we don’t have to turn those pumps on, they are shut and re-serviced when the water is at maximum quantity”.

During the dry season when low levels of water are normally recorded, the pumps can then be switched on to ensure that the water is used efficiently to ensure energy sustainability.
