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Second FPSO to be completed in February

Tullow Oil

Sun, 24 May 2015 Source: GNA

Mr Charles Darku, the head of Tullow Ghana has said the second FPSO being built for the TEN Project would be completed in February 2016.

The completion of this magnificent edifice would allow first oil from the TEN project to flow in the same year.

Mr Darku said this during a tour to three facilities where components of the FPSO were locally being manufactured as part of the local content policy.

Currently, work is 58 per cent complete and the equipment manufactured would soon go offshore for further works.

The head of Tullow said the engagement of locals in the industry meant, "shared prosperity,” for all.

Mr Benjamin Dagadu, a Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Energy was thrilled about the great work done by the local artisans and encouraged them to continue the good work.

Captain Owusu Koranteng, the Director of the Takoradi Port, noted that, the port was "proud," to be part of the oil and gas success story, adding that, the port has land space to accommodate more businesses.

Source: GNA