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Selected enterprises given financial management skills

Wed, 17 Jun 2009 Source: GNA

Tamale, June 17, GNA - Some Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in the Northern Region have been educated on financial management skills, records keeping and budgeting leading to better management of their enterprises so as to boost the economy of the country. Mr. Agyakwa Ayisi Addo, the Projects Manager of the Private Enterprises Foundation, said lack of simple financial management skills is contributing to the large inabilities of the SMEs to grow and thrive in competitive ventures and this affects the micro sector of the economy.

Tamale, June 17, GNA - Some Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in the Northern Region have been educated on financial management skills, records keeping and budgeting leading to better management of their enterprises so as to boost the economy of the country. Mr. Agyakwa Ayisi Addo, the Projects Manager of the Private Enterprises Foundation, said lack of simple financial management skills is contributing to the large inabilities of the SMEs to grow and thrive in competitive ventures and this affects the micro sector of the economy. He said it was in the light of these that the Private Enterprise Foundation with the sponsorship from the Japanene government and the UNDP was educating some SMEs to boost their businesses. Mr. Peter Latuo of Latuo and Associates and the facilitator of the programme said the training of SMEs in financial management was timely because of the current recession the world was experiencing. He urged people into SMEs to educate themselves on financial management skills before venturing into the sector to avoid running bad businesses that would go bankrupt. 17 June 09

Source: GNA