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TUC will not entertain delays in the implementation of the Single spine

Fri, 2 Oct 2009 Source: GNA

Accra, Oct. 2, GNA - The Ghana Trades Union Congress on Friday said it would not entertain any delays on the part of Government in the implementation of the Single Spine Pay Structure in January, 2010. It therefore called on Government to provide the necessary resources and support to the various institutions and organisations, in particular the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission and the Controller and Accountant General's Department, to ensure a smooth implementation of the new pay policy.

This was contained in 2010 budget proposals submitted to Government last month and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra. It said: "Government and Public Sector Unions agreed to a road map at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration Consultative Meeting in May 2009. Among other things, it was agreed that the implementation of the Single Spine Pay Structure will commence in January, 2010."

"We urge Government and all the stakeholders to follow the agreed Road Map for the implementation of the new pay policy. We should not allow the IMF and the World Bank to derail the process. Organised Labour has already assured Government of its commitment and we intend to keep to that, It added.

It said the on-going public sector pay reform offered Government the opportunity not only to raise public sector pay to competitive levels, but equally importantly, it was an opportunity for Government to remove inequities in the pay structure and re-establish a firm control over public sector pay administration through the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission. "In that regard it is in the interest of not only public sector workers but also Government to ensure that the implementation of the Single Spine Pay Policy is fully implemented and on time as agreed by all stakeholders," the statement said.

Source: GNA