
TV3 wins Brand Leadership Award for 2016

TV3 BRAND AWARD TV3 wins the award due to its rich local television content.

Fri, 18 Nov 2016 Source:

Ghana’s leading free to air television station, TV3, has won the enviable Brand Leadership Award for the year 2016.

TV3 beat competition from its peers to win the award for its rich local television content during prime time between the hours of 8:00pm and 10:00pm; a period most television stations in Ghana show foreign telenovelas as against local content.

The award was received from Premier Brands, an independent organisation that seeks to inspire wealth creation in Africa through the growth of successful Brands.

Premier Brands collates results through months of intense research.

Cadbury’s Richoco received the topmost award as the Brand of the Year while Frytol emerged the Most Valuable Brand of the Year.

Universal Merchant Bank (UMB) won the Brand Leadership Award in respect of successful brand migration from Merchant Bank to Universal Merchant Bank.
