Vanguard Assurance has over the years invested heavily into health
The only Chartered Institute of Marketing Ghana (CIMG) Insurance Company, Vanguard Assurance is making a strong case for businesses to pump a chunk of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Investments into assisting street children from their deplorable conditions.
According to Vanguard since most of these children have enormous potentials to be leading the charge in the various sectors of the economy in the near future, it is crucial for businesses and other companies to help improve the lot of the marginalized in society.
Vanguard Assurance has over the years invested heavily into health, education and road safety as part of their CSR initiatives.
Speaking to Gold Business on the side lines of an event to outdoor Vanguard’s CIMG Hall of Fame Award Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative and the 43rd Anniversary Celebration of the company, Executive Vice Chairman of Vanguard, Dr. Gideon Amenyedor, underscored the importance of businesses investing into sustainable CSR initiatives.