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Workers of GSBPL honoured

Fri, 4 Jan 2008 Source: GNA

Bogoso (W/R), Jan 4, GNA - Thirty-three workers of Golden Star Bogoso/Prestea Limited (GSBPL) have been honoured for their exceptional performance and were each given a refrigerator and a certificate. Mr. Shadrack Adjetey Sowah, Finance and Supply Manager of GSBPL, said management considered the workforce as the main asset of the company and appreciated their dedication and loyal service to the company.

He advised the workers to work safely, diligently, maximise efficiency and reduce cost. Mr Sowah said the company's safety record was going to be improved upon, cost saving drive would yield results and production would improve.

Mr Francis Eduku, Human Resource Manager, said the award ceremony was initiated as one of management's motivational drives to encourage employees to give off their best. Mr Nigel Tamlyn, General Manager, told the workers to remain loyal to the company. Mr Osmanu Bukari, GSBPL Branch Secretary of the Ghana Mine Workers Union, appealed to workers to put in their maximum effort for the company to increase productivity.

Source: GNA