
Common seal not needed to register business

Wed, 11 Jul 2007 Source: GNA

Accra, July 11, GNA - The Registrar-General's Department (RGD) has advised the public that the acquisition of the "common seal" does not form part of the requirements needed when registering a business or a company in Ghana as contained in 1963, Act 179 of the Companies' Code. "A common seal is acquired by companies who choose to acquire it after registering their business in the Department for certain transactions done on behalf of the company," Mr J. K. Harlley, Acting Registrar-General, said in a statement issued in Accra.

Accra, July 11, GNA - The Registrar-General's Department (RGD) has advised the public that the acquisition of the "common seal" does not form part of the requirements needed when registering a business or a company in Ghana as contained in 1963, Act 179 of the Companies' Code. "A common seal is acquired by companies who choose to acquire it after registering their business in the Department for certain transactions done on behalf of the company," Mr J. K. Harlley, Acting Registrar-General, said in a statement issued in Accra. He said Section 146 of the Companies' Code stated that documents or proceedings requiring authentication by a company may be signed on its behalf by an officer of the company and need not be under its common seal.

Source: GNA