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My little advice before you do that.. Employ more personell to check entry points to avoid smuggling of our natural resources and importation of arms and products we manufacture locally.. The NIA and passport department shoul ...
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The government has simply run out of ideas.
What is the purpose of this stupid move? How do you replace the lost revenue? Secondly, will.other countries offer the same benefit to Ghanaians? Ghana cannot be that generous. Akkufool Addo has stopped thinking. What's ne ...
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To do what?
How does this benefit us? Nkwaseasem nkoaa
Always last in everything useless government ever! U can’t think on ur own nana addo, very weak and a complete non entity
Your words don't carry weight again
When the visitors will lodge in hotels, then you will get revenue, but when they lodge with friends and relatives you gain nothing.
This free Visa on arrival should be done online and the fee paid into the government coffers if not the immigration officers will enrich them selfs . let's always look to the loop hole in policy making and always try first be ...
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Wll that pave the Shame to Agona road? Stupid president
He is indeed stupid. Feel ashamed to go to Takoradi of late all because of that bad road in the oil rich western region, Takoradi in particular
Good, get on with it, it is long overdue and stop talking about it after seven years of being in power - Kenya and Rwanda have done and they have better economies than Ghana.
Committed to nothing