
TOR to be transformed into world class facility

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  • 2PAC BOY 10 years ago

    please enough of this bullshit,always government is doing this ,always government is uplifting,they should give us a break.

  • Dr Akaminko 10 years ago


  • Yawpa 10 years ago

    Ghana is a very useless country, with no hope of ever lifting its citizens out of poverty. The politicians have virtually given the whole country to foreigners to gain from while Ghanaians continue to suffer. It is painful to ...
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  • They Say They Say 10 years ago

    The problem revolves around Accountability. That single word permeates into everything Ghanaian. Hope is that maybe one day someone will wake up to this challenge and whip citizens into it.

  • DAN 10 years ago

    are the northern people or the Arabic freinds involve..What happen to Petro Saudi..where they smart enough to stay away? Sell the Refinery to DELTA AIRLINES! they bought a failing refinery in USA and are now making so much Je ...
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  • EZEKIEL 10 years ago

    We live dis-proportionately on PROMISES and ANNOUNCEMENTS in Ghana.RESULTS ARE NOT FORTHCOMING and yet more promises !!! What the heck and they ALL sit down there like Goats listening!!!

  • Efo 10 years ago

    These lot can talk, Ghanaian are waiting for the day something would be planed and implemented before they come out to let us know its effectiveness a bunch of talkers.

  • Akos 10 years ago

    Govt can't do it effectively. Involve the private sector

  • DAN 10 years ago

    sounds like the Electric power deals, Where Ghanians sit in dark while power is sold to Togo,Nigeria