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fantastic, this is the way to go, for citizens to be able to ask big business how they going to address their concerns before mining takes place. congrats to EPA, Lands and Forestry commission guys at Northern region for such ...
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Enviromental degradation , lost of vital shea & locust trees doesn't warrant such issuance of licence to destroy ecological protected sensitive forest for short term gain
The impact of global warming is real & some these p ...
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I will reject this proposal as aleader of the country. What about reserving those limesrones for the future generations along with forest. If gold, oil and other minerals can solve the economic problems, then what. Else..
They should stop this environmental vandalism through their reckless corporate greed.
'Country bumpkin' farmer who turned down £275MILLION from developers for his land says 'We are being bullied, but w ...
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I though forest reserves were off limit to mining now?