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Re: 'Parliament is taking us for a ride over Plant Breeders’ Bill' – Farmers

PFAG Members With Aspiring MPs After Debate PFAG members with aspiring MPs after debate

Sun, 13 Nov 2016 Source: PFAG

The Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG) attention has been drawn to statement published on myjoyonline by John Awuku Dziwornu of the Ghana National Association of Farmers and Fishermen on 10th November 2016.

The statement which claimed farmers were disappointed with Parliament for deferring the approval of the Plant Breeders Bill to 2017 could not be coming from Ghanaian farmers.

At a Parliamentary Debate organised by the Peasant Farmers’ Association of Ghana members in Shama in the Western Region for the constituency aspirants of the two major parties, the NPP and NDC, peasant farmers disassociated themselves from the statement. The farmers called on all concerned to disregard the statement because it does not in any way represent the interest of farmers, let alone come from them.

Contrary to the message carried by Mr. Dziwornu, PFAG has on several occasions expressed its gratitude to the Speaker of Parliament and the House for deferring the passage of the Bill until the relevant stakeholders have been consulted and educated on the Bill. This action of Parliament came as a result of a consistent advocacy and campaign led by PFAG and Civil Society Organisations, Traditional Leaders, Faith Based Organisations on the Food Sovereignty Platform. PFAG finds Mr Dziwornu’s statement rather unfortunate, a misrepresentation of facts and misinformation of the public about what Ghanaian small holder farmers stand to benefit from the bill: It is on record that Mr Dziwornu has for some reasons, supported the Bill all along and has never been part of any farmers who protested against the passing of the Bill. He could therefore, not be in the position to claim that all issues regarding the bill have been addressed and farmers were waiting for it to be passed as implied by his statement. There is no part of the bill that protects farmer’s Seed Rights: farmers seed production, saving and ownership of seeds. Certain clauses in the bill rather incriminate farmers from using their own seeds,

It is therefore, very surprising for him to claim that “the delay in passing the bill into law is denying farmers the opportunity to make more money from their toil”.

2. John Dziwornu is at liberty to speak for himself and his Association but not for all farmers especially small holder farmers such as PFAG

Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana would like to state, emphatically that Ghanaian small holder farmers such as the PFAG are strongly against the Plant Breeders Bill in its current form; Ghanaian farmers, therefore, strongly agree and support Parliament’s decision to defer the bill for further consultation and Ghanaian small holder farmers will continue to resist any law that incriminates their right to their own seeds.

PFAG once again would like to gently plead with Parliament not to rush into passing the Bill in its current form but to remain steadfast in doing the right thing by listening to the voice of the small holder farmers

Signed by:

National President of Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana

Abdul Rahman Mohammed

Source: PFAG