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Aimless Nana Akuffo Addo ROBBING PETER TO PAY PAUL
Hope the removal of VAT on selected imported medicines is SELECTED only and does not end up opening the doors and loopholes that end up destroying the incentives to local pharmaceutical manufacturing industry to continue to p ...
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Is Certificate Enough? Skill Up
Remember this; It is not enough to earn & carry about a certificate! That's phase 1. Life is about relevance & providing solutions. Someone right now somewhere is looking for someone who can d ...
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I do agree with abolishing taxes on kayayei as these people are already on the lowest end of incomes however some of them such as removing taxes on car parts is really bad.
Pls all Ghanaians shld ignore the one man think tank called imani the budject statement was made less than 24hrs and he could see the flaws is he a banku kokonte fanti keke eater send him to the gullows