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What kind of reportage is this? How can the picture and the associated tag be poles apart? Mediocrity journalism indeed
A recipe for disaster. We cant even manage small things. How much more this dangerous things which even advanced countries with high technology are running away from. Ghanaians are simply fools
Joe, unfortunately you have no confidence in your self. Ghana has a lots of experts both at home and abroad to complete this project. Nuclear is no dangerous than building a dam.
even using a bad microwave oven will give you cancer or a cellphone will give brain cancer!
What type of reporting is this?Ghana already have Nuclear reactors.Do your home work before confusing the idiots here.
You must either be totally uniformed or utterly insane or both. This is a very serious matter, if you are not innformed stop bothering people with such comments.
It is not a question of just building it. Have you got money for maintenance, for the disposal of the nuclear waste ? .It costs billions
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We cannot even manage ordinary waste in Ghana and we are talking about managing nuclear waste.
Developed nations are abandoning nuclear. Such a good way to dump it on us. Aaa Ghana! Very reckless
Has it really come to the extent that Ghana has to consider nuclear energy as one important solution for its energy problems? Yes, nuclear energy may be considered the most environmentally friendly source of energy as it prod ...
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JAPPAN which is more advanced then Ghana can not handle power plant so what make Ghana dummies think they can handle the safety required when japan Russia and other have safety issues
Ghana people won't even change oil on their cars or put good tires on trucks & vans
what does that tell you if the builder of nuclear plants under construction in USA has failed??? Always cost over-runs...none is built safely under budget !
We have many qualified Ghanaian mathematicians and nuclear physicists twiddling their thumbs. Let's go for it. We don't need that much help for lightwater style reactors which is not as dangerous as the Fukushima ones
Kofi Jack,
please name 1 mathematician or 1 nuclear physicist
Well if you have a safe place to place the waste why not. But the safe have to be good for 400.000 years. Your future generations will thank you
If people, especially christians are talking about the end times, this [nuclear power plant] is Ghana's end time. I am not being pessimistic but can Ghana manage a nuclear plant with this attitude?
STOP it. Even at the Okyehene's palace there us galamsey. Make sure u can manage your environment before u try anything stupid.
This is so stupid! All we need is solar and efficient-thinking instead of these ridiculous projects. European countries are phasing our nuclear and we want this crap??? Crazy. Nana please kill this plan for our kids' sake.
Russia has a whole town abandoned for EVER due to nuclear waste spill. And how do we secure this plant from terrorist. Very reckless!!
This madness is driven solely by greed-filled special interests with an eye to kickbacks galore.
What is a nation that is unable to deal effectively even with the relatively simple task of safely disposing of ho ...
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Solar and wind are plentiful in Ghana and cleaner. Agreed nuclear waste is a disaster waiting to happen for thousands of years to come. Good contribution.
People must be educated on this subject. Many think a nuclear plant is like having a beautiful airport, a beautful interchange , a beautiful mall...something you can boast with. People, one serious mistake and there will b ...
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Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive: The Truth About Nuclear Power
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The nuclear industry seeks to revitalize itself by manipulating the public’s concerns about global warming and energy insecurity to promote nu ...
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