
RE: Voluntary winding-up of HFC Capital partners limited

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Tue, 28 May 2019 Source: Republic Bank Ghana

Management of Republic Bank Ghana Limited would like to bring to the attention of its Customers and the General Public the following: -

HFC Capital Partners Limited was a wholly-owned Private Equity Management subsidiary of HFC Bank Ghana.

The Company was set up to manage specific assets of the Bank.

In 2016, HFC Bank Ghana made a decision to restructure its business operations and focus on its core banking mandate. In that regard, the Bank initiated the process of winding-up HFC Capital Partners Limited

In accordance with the Securities Industry Act, 2016 (Act 929), the Security and Exchange Commission was duly notified on 5th February, 2016. All necessary legal processes involved are being followed including the public notice (Notice No Sec/PS/001/01/2019) issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The cessation of the operations of HFC Capital Partners Limited in no way affects the ongoing operations of the Republic Bank (Ghana) Group.

We wish to assure all Stakeholders, including Customers and the General Public that the Republic Bank Ghana Group (which includes Republic Investments (Ghana) Limited, Republic Securities (Ghana) Limited, and Republic Boafo Limited) having met the minimum capital requirement remains a strong and stable financial group.

Source: Republic Bank Ghana