18-year-old unemployed convicted for defilement

Handcuffs Jail

Sat, 30 May 2015 Source: GNA

An 18-year-old resident of Aketekyiwa near Cape Coast was on Friday sentenced to seven years imprisonment by a Cape Coast Circuit Court for defiling a fourteen year old Junior High School (JHS) form one student.

The convict, Patrick Turkson, alias Ekow Atta, unemployed, had been in a sexual relationship with the victim for the past five months despite several warning from victim’s mother.

He pleaded guilty to the charge of defilement and was convicted on his own plea.

Passing judgment, Mr. Kofi Seshie Ametewee, who presided over the court, advised Turkson to be of good behavior in prison and reform.

Prosecuting, Assistant Superintendent (ASP) Sylvanus Dalmeida told the court that on Monday, May 4 this year, the victim who lives with her mother in the same town and had been dating Turkson against her mother’s approval, left home unceremoniously.

He said the victim’s mother, found out, through her own investigation, that Turkson had taken her daughter to Akosombo in the Eastern Region.

On Friday, May 8, the victim’s mother reported the incident to the Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Ghana Police Service in Cape Coast.

He said when the victim returned, she was taken to the hospital for examination while Turkson was arrested after the report confirmed the victim had been defiled.

Source: GNA