21 students of Walewale remanded in police custody

Prison   Handcuffs

Wed, 27 Nov 2013 Source: GNA

A Tamale Magistrate Court on Monday remanded into prison custody nine of the 21 accused persons charged with six counts; three for causing unlawful damage, one for stealing, another for assault on public officer and conspiracy to commit crime to wit stealing.

The court presided over by Mr Augustine Esse, Magistrate Court Judge remanded 12 of the accused persons, who pleaded not guilty to prison custody to re-appear on December 4th 2013.

Prosecuting, Chief Inspector Obeng Botwe told the court that the accused persons were students of the Walewale Secondary Technical School and on 24 of November were rioting at the school over a claim that the headmaster has been admitting students from different localities to the neglect of natives.

He said the rampaging students in the process set ablaze the headmaster’s bungalow, stole 75 computers and other belongings of the staff of the school.

Chief Inspector Esse said on 25th of November, some police detectives were dispatched to the school to assess the extent of damage and on arrival; the students started throwing stones at them resulting in the injury of two police officers.

He told the court that the students also mobilized and came to the police station and damaged a Toyota land cruiser with the registration number GP3018 belonging to the Police Service, stressing that one other private vehicle belonging to a police officer was partly damaged.

He, therefore, pleaded with the court to remand the accused persons to enable the police to complete its investigation.

Source: GNA