6 escape from Osu remand home

Mon, 22 Feb 2016 Source: classfmonline.com

Six juvenile offenders at the Osu Remand Home, in the early hours of Monday February 22, escaped from the facility.

Class News’ Atiewin Mbillah, who visited the Home, reported that seven boys cut through the detention centre’s iron ceiling at about 1am and made their getaway.

During their flight, authorities heard some unusual noises and raised an alarm, but six of the boys were able to flee, leaving one, who was caught in the act.

One of the escapees returned voluntarily, but the others are still on the run.

The returnee is currently helping authorities with information on the whereabouts of his friends.

The remand home is under lockdown, with inmates confined to their rooms.

According to Atiewin, authorities are quiet about the incident but have been meeting and strategising about security concerns at the Home.

Source: classfmonline.com