“Aflao Terror’ goes in for 20 years

Wed, 4 Apr 2012 Source: GNA

Costone Kudawo, nicknamed ‘Aflao terror’ has been jailed 20 years by an Aflao Circuit Court for robbing an Accra based trader Anna Stevens of about 5,000 Ghana cedis.

He pleaded not guilty to conspiracy and robbery.

His two accomplices, named as Maxwell Zotu and another named only as Maxwell are on the run.

Mr. Stephen Wuni, a Detective Police Inspector of Aflao told the Court presided over by Mr Francis Obiri that, Kudawo an auto mechanic lived in Aflao.

He said at about 0400 hours on February 4, this year, Anna Stevens arrived from Accra on her way to Lome, Togo to transact business.

Mr Wuni said being mindful of criminals Anna Stevens stayed on in the vehicle until about 0500 when she did decided to attend nature’s call.

Mr. Wuni said while on her way she spotted Kudawo and his two accomplices near the Aflao border school ahead of her, prompting her to beat a retreat towards the vehicle.

He said Kudawo and his gang chased her and Kudawu caught up with her, kicked her down and at knife point tore off the bag containing 1,330,000 CFA franc and 120 Ghana Cedis all amounting to about 4,908 Ghana Cedis around her waist and a cell phone and bolted.

Mr. Wuni said some residents identified Kudawo and his gang and assisted national security operatives at the border to arrest Kudawo who had an amount of 440,000 CFA franc, (1,584 Ghana Cedis) being, his share of the booty on him.**

Source: GNA