Angry residents protest over increasing robberies

Armed Robber Gun File photo

Tue, 14 Jun 2016 Source:

Commuters and concerned drivers of Kwahu-Nketepa and Adowso in the Kwahu Affram Plains South district of the Eastern region are demonstrating against the police over what they call insecurity on their roads.

According to the irate residents, police personnel have failed to expedite action on the alarming cases of robberies being recorded on the Nketepa to Kwahu Tafo road which has become their safe haven.

The Assembly members for Kwahu -Nketepa, Yaw Bossy told Ultimate News, four robbery cases have occurred on the road this year alone of which two persons were killed, and scores of indigenes suffered gunshot injuries.

The decision by the drivers and residents to demonstrate has been triggered by an attempted highway robbery which occurred on Tuesday morning.

According to the Assembly member, the robbers who mostly strike market days, laid ambush and fired warning shots upon seeing the passengers who were chiefly traders, but the driver managed to escape.
