Armed Robbers Strike close to President's House

Thu, 12 Dec 2002 Source: Accra Mail (COLUMN)

A Ghanaian visiting the country was robbed at gunpoint on the night of Sunday 8th December at his gate in front of his two young children who were also assaulted by the gang.

His house is 0.5km from the President's House at Airport Residential Area.

His reaction apart from the shock is to e-mail all his friends abroad to be careful, and warn others to be equally careful. I have just received the e-mail with this information and l have also had frantic discussions with friends and family who are now terrified about planned visits to Ghana this Christmas.

We thought it prudent in the interest of all Ghanaians travelling to Ghana this Christmas to bring to your attention the need for a Specific Deterrent Operation by the Police at the Airport at this time during the festive season.

Can this matter be raised with the Minister of Interior and the IGP, as this is an important issue to Ghanaians in the UK, to ensure that an urgent operation is mounted.

There must be random searches of vehicles entering the Airport zone and perhaps some level of surveillance of suspicious characters around the Airport at this time.

It has also been suggested to Mr Andoh of the Ghana High Commission that some information is issued by their office via the net - Ghana Web etc, informing Ghanaians of the precautions they need to take on Arrival in Accra. This is quite frightening to us all.

Whilst a great deal has been done to re-equip the Police and security measures across the country have been enhanced it would seem no specific measures/operation has been mounted at Accra Airport to deter the robbers at this time when thousands of our nationals are travelling to Ghana from the UK and elsewhere for their well earned breaks.

Further, such incidents on visiting Ghanaians during this season will result in numerous other e-mails on the net and we can all imagine what havoc this will cause to tourism and income to our beloved country.

The safety of our people should be uppermost in the minds of those who govern us and these activities should be nipped in the bud.

The government's Homecoming Summit invited Ghanaians to bring their expertise to come and settle in Ghana and there is an ongoing Homecoming Committee dealing with such matters as we speak. Has this matter come to their attention and is it at the fore of all their issues? If it isn't, then it should be. Everybody wants to be safe in their country amongst their people at home.

The Story

I was robbed by armed robbers yesterday infront of my house at Airport Residential Area yesterday 10:35pm. My house is not more than 0.5km radius from the presidents house.

I arrived at kotoka at 9:40pm. It took about 30 mins to clear customs. By 10:30 we were at the front of my house when this incident occured. I got down to open the gate whiles Z**** and N******* were in the car. All I heard was lie down empty your pockets. One guy pointed a double barrell gun at my head and asked me to lie down. They dragged N****** out of the car and asked her to lie down on the grass as well. Another guy had a gun at Z****'s throat. Collected his car keys and mobile fone. The getaway car was packed right behind our car. One guy was transferring 'his' goods from our bonnet into their car! They were gone within 5 minutes with our life intact but soul shattered! This crime was committed by guys not older than 22years of age!.

We got our lives back, I hear others got shot! I am thanking the lord that at least I am still breathing! My holiday was over before my first night sleep.

Boy, it was like a movie! All this action took about 5mins!

Luckily when I emptied my pockets, my passport got stuck so I still have it. I am walking in Accra with nothing!...zeros!! I am still coming to terms with it!

Ciao and warn anyone coming to Accra to be very careful. It is unbelievable!

A Ghanaian visiting the country was robbed at gunpoint on the night of Sunday 8th December at his gate in front of his two young children who were also assaulted by the gang.

His house is 0.5km from the President's House at Airport Residential Area.

His reaction apart from the shock is to e-mail all his friends abroad to be careful, and warn others to be equally careful. I have just received the e-mail with this information and l have also had frantic discussions with friends and family who are now terrified about planned visits to Ghana this Christmas.

We thought it prudent in the interest of all Ghanaians travelling to Ghana this Christmas to bring to your attention the need for a Specific Deterrent Operation by the Police at the Airport at this time during the festive season.

Can this matter be raised with the Minister of Interior and the IGP, as this is an important issue to Ghanaians in the UK, to ensure that an urgent operation is mounted.

There must be random searches of vehicles entering the Airport zone and perhaps some level of surveillance of suspicious characters around the Airport at this time.

It has also been suggested to Mr Andoh of the Ghana High Commission that some information is issued by their office via the net - Ghana Web etc, informing Ghanaians of the precautions they need to take on Arrival in Accra. This is quite frightening to us all.

Whilst a great deal has been done to re-equip the Police and security measures across the country have been enhanced it would seem no specific measures/operation has been mounted at Accra Airport to deter the robbers at this time when thousands of our nationals are travelling to Ghana from the UK and elsewhere for their well earned breaks.

Further, such incidents on visiting Ghanaians during this season will result in numerous other e-mails on the net and we can all imagine what havoc this will cause to tourism and income to our beloved country.

The safety of our people should be uppermost in the minds of those who govern us and these activities should be nipped in the bud.

The government's Homecoming Summit invited Ghanaians to bring their expertise to come and settle in Ghana and there is an ongoing Homecoming Committee dealing with such matters as we speak. Has this matter come to their attention and is it at the fore of all their issues? If it isn't, then it should be. Everybody wants to be safe in their country amongst their people at home.

The Story

I was robbed by armed robbers yesterday infront of my house at Airport Residential Area yesterday 10:35pm. My house is not more than 0.5km radius from the presidents house.

I arrived at kotoka at 9:40pm. It took about 30 mins to clear customs. By 10:30 we were at the front of my house when this incident occured. I got down to open the gate whiles Z**** and N******* were in the car. All I heard was lie down empty your pockets. One guy pointed a double barrell gun at my head and asked me to lie down. They dragged N****** out of the car and asked her to lie down on the grass as well. Another guy had a gun at Z****'s throat. Collected his car keys and mobile fone. The getaway car was packed right behind our car. One guy was transferring 'his' goods from our bonnet into their car! They were gone within 5 minutes with our life intact but soul shattered! This crime was committed by guys not older than 22years of age!.

We got our lives back, I hear others got shot! I am thanking the lord that at least I am still breathing! My holiday was over before my first night sleep.

Boy, it was like a movie! All this action took about 5mins!

Luckily when I emptied my pockets, my passport got stuck so I still have it. I am walking in Accra with nothing!...zeros!! I am still coming to terms with it!

Ciao and warn anyone coming to Accra to be very careful. It is unbelievable!

Source: Accra Mail (COLUMN)