Businessman in court for fraud

Sat, 31 Oct 2015 Source: GNA

A businessman who allegedly defrauded a trader of GHC55, 000.00 under the pretext of supplying him 500 bags of sugar but failed on Friday appeared before an Accra Circuit Court.

Emmanuel Kweku Gyateng after failing to supply the bags of sugar gave a Hyundai Santefe to Fuseini Alhassan, one of the complainants in his bid to repay him, but he (Gyateng) disappeared.

The said Hyundai Santefe, unknown to Alhassan was rented from one Richard Yaw Asare a car dealer at Tesano.

Gyateng has been charged with defrauding by false pretences and two counts of issuing false cheques to Mr Alhassan and Mr Asare.

He issued false cheque with face value of GHC30,000.00 to Mr Alhassan and 3,760 dollars and GHC12,500.0 to Mr Asare.

Gyateng has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The Court presided over by W. K. Essandoh admitted Gyateng to bail in the sum of GHC107, 000.00 with three sureties, two to be public servants earning not less than GHC1,000.00.

The case has been adjourned to November 12.

Prosecuting Chief Inspector Francis Tarsan said Mr Alhassan, the first complainant is a trader at Tetegu. Mr Asare is the second complainant is into car rentals at Tesano.

According to Chief Inspector Tarsan, Gyateng alleged to be a businessman residing at Afienya.

Prosecution said during the month of April this year. Mr Alhassan who deals in various commodities needed quantities of sugar to buy.

The prosecutor said a witness in the matter, one Abdualai then introduced Mr Alhassan to one Kwame Kwarteng, another witness in the case.

Prosecution said Kwarteng also took Mr Alhassan to Gyateng as the one who he has been dealing with in some commodities.

Gyateng promised to secure the complainant 500 bags of sugar at the cost of GHC55,000.00 and he (Alhassan) paid Gyateng.

Gyateng therefore took Mr Alhassan to a warehouse at Kpone, near Tema and told him to come with a vehicle to convey the bags of sugar.

Complainant went with a vehicle the next day, only to realise that it was a scam. Mr Alhassan called the accused but he did not pick his calls.

In June this year Mr Alhassan met the accused in his office and demanded a refund of his money.

Accused gave his Hyundai Santefe to keep for him so he could to pay back the money after which he (Gyateng) would collect same.

Gyateng failed to pay the money and went into hiding. A report was made to the police and during investigation it came to light that accused rather rented the Hyundai Santefe from Mr Asare and issued cheques two cheques with face value 3760 dollars and GH?12,500.00 to him but cheques were dishonoured.

Source: GNA