Corn Miller remanded for sexually abusing five year old niece

ASSAULT2 File photo - The accused expected to make an appearance in court on August 21

Wed, 8 Aug 2018 Source:

A Circuit Court in Accra on Wednesday remanded into Police custody a 21-year-old corn miller for allegedly having sex with his five-year-old niece at James Town.

George Nii Lantey Golighyty charged with defilement pleaded not guilty, he had earlier allegedly told Police that he only allowed the victim to massage his male organ and that he did not defile her.

The facts as presented by the Police in Court also indicated that Golighyty was caught in the act by two persons.

Golighyty is expected to reappear before the Court presided over by Mrs Abena Oppong Adjin-Doku on August 21.

Prosecuting, Chief Inspector Kofi Atimbire said the complainant is a 34-year-old good samaritan who resides around the Arts Centre in Accra.

The victim is a nursery one pupil residing with her mother at Adedenkpo, Accra.

The prosecution said the accused is a maternal uncle to the victim.

The prosecution said on August 5, this year, at about 0900 hours, the accused lured the victim to the complainant’s shop which is adjacent to the Ghana National Fire Service Academy School at James Town, Accra and had sexual intercourse with her.

In the process, prosecution said the complainant and his friend known as Obanjah went to the scene and saw the accused in the act and then arrested him and escorted him to the James Town Police Station.

According to prosecution the matter was later transferred to the Domestic Violence and Victim’s Support Unit (DOVVSU) where a Police medical report form was issued to the victim’s mother to send her to the hospital for examination and treatment.
