Court fines motorbike rider for riding without helmet

Court Mallet Law

Mon, 4 Feb 2013 Source: GNA

A 25-year-old motorbike rider, Eric Sulley has been sentenced to a fine of 300 Ghana cedis for riding a motorbike without a helmet by the Akim Swedru Circuit Court presided by Mr Yaw Atta Sampong.

Sulley was convicted on his own plea of guilty and would be jailed for three months imprisonment if he defaults in the payment of the fine.

Prosecuting, Police Chief Inspector Kingsley Kwaku Antwi said on December 7, 2011 Sulley was riding a motorbike with a pillion and both of them were not in helmets.

At a point Sulley raised both hands from the steering in a fancy manner and lost control of the bike and veered off the road. The convict landed in a nearby bush while the pillion fell on the street.

They sustained severe injuries and were taken to the Akim Oda Government Hospital but the pillion was pronounced dead on arrival. Sulley was then arrested and charged with the offence when he was discharged from the hospital.

Source: GNA