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Court remands mechanic for stealing

Court Mallet Law

Tue, 9 Oct 2012 Source: GNA

A circuit court in Takoradi on Tuesday remanded into police custody a 20-year-old mechanic, Isaac Ahon, for stealing.

The accused, who pleaded not guilty to charges of unlawful entry, causing damage and stealing, would re-appear in court on October 23.

Chief Inspector Theophilous Agbomordzi told the court presided over by Mr. Charles Bamford Nimako that the accused resides at Apremdo, near Takoradi, while the complainant, Isaac Nunoo, a banker, lives at the Effiakuma New Site, a suburb of Takoradi.

The prosecution said that last Saturday, the complainant left his house in the care of Kingsley Sekyi Woode, a security guard at Pentecost mission house nearby, and traveled to Cape Coast.

Chief Agbomordzi said when Woode at about 1230 hours, heard strange noise from Nunoo’s house, he went there to ascertain what was happening.

The prosecution said when the security guard got to the house, he realized that the doors had been opened. Chief Agbomordzi said Woode became suspicious and raised the alarm and Ahon, who was hiding in one of the rooms, came out and scaled a wall.

He was arrested in possession of a DVD player, valued at GHC 500, a bag, computer laptop, at GHC 300 and other items valued at GHc1, 000, by some neighbours, and handed over to the police.

Source: GNA